74 research outputs found

    The Philosophical Aspect of Anarchism in Robert Paul Wolff's Thought

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    "In order to better understand the subjects under consideration here, it is worth beginning with a brief overview of the various forms of anarchism, in conjunction with the essential characteristics of those which are deemed as most relevant to the issues at hand. It is necessary to locate the so-called philosophical anarchism mainstream in a broader framework, to show its sources and to select the fundamental differences that exist between this approach and other forms of anarchism. Already, at the outset, some divisions are visible which will help to define a kind of framework for future analysis."(...

    Networked individuals in the virtual political and social mediasphere

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    Praca recenzowana / Peer-reviewed paperThis work is divided into three parts, which the authors hope will enable the reader to more easily find topics of interest. The first part consists of two chapters concerning new information and communication technologies. The main aim of the authors is to present the most recent information regarding the internet as a means of communication and the diverse uses and applications of the Web. Here the reader will also find a chapter with a more detailed presentation of certain new communication tools and technologies used in political and social activity. The second part focuses on issues of political communication, and the changes resulting from the increasingly common use of new communication technologies by both the authors of political discourse and their audiences. The social aspect of new technologies is discussed in the third part of the book. In numerous researches dealing with the issue of the relation between the use of new information and communication technologies and the level of involvement in social and political life, two main opinions may be discerned. Firstly, there are those who do not attach great importance to new technologies and deny that there is a link between these technologies and social and political involvement. The reader will find a great deal of information regarding the activities of the participants of civic society – in particular, social movements, but also non-governmental organizations – in the environment of new information and communication technologies

    Taking gender seriously. Present trends and recommendation for scientfic environment

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    This report deals with the issues of women’s participation in the science and research sector. Analysis of the statistical data shows that both in the United States and in Europe, despite the fact that women make up almost half of those receiving a doctoral degree, among professors they are barely one-fifth. This issue is presented in geographical terms, divided into the countries of the European Union, Poland and Scandinavia. Common to them is the situation in which women scientists encounter more barriers than similarly qualified men on their career path. In Poland, too, despite a significant increase in the number of women studying at the further stages of the scientific career, the situation of women is not satisfactory. The last part of the paper is devoted to the policy of the Nordic countries in eliminating the phenomenon of gender inequality in the scientific sector. Although the countries in this region all run their own policy on gender balance in society, they are conducting a far-reaching consultation on a common strategy in this area, and action on gender equality in the Nordic scientific research sector is based primarily on anti-discrimination legislation. The solutions adopted in this region and the guidelines of European institutions will be treated as a kind of reference point for action to eliminate inequalities based on gender in the scientific sector.Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoj

    Taking gender seriously : present trends and recommendation for scientific environment

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    This report deals with the issues of women’s participation in the science and research sector. Analysis of the statistical data shows that both in the United States and in Europe, despite the fact that women make up almost half of those receiving a doctoral degree, among professors they are barely one-fifth. This issue is presented in geographical terms, divided into the countries of the European Union, Poland and Scandinavia. Common to them is the situation in which women scientists encounter more barriers than similarly qualified men on their career path. In Poland, too, despite a significant increase in the number of women studying at the further stages of the scientific career, the situation of women is not satisfactory. The last part of the paper is devoted to the policy of the Nordic countries in eliminating the phenomenon of gender inequality in the scientific sector. Although the countries in this region all run their own policy on gender balance in society, they are conducting a far-reaching consultation on a common strategy in this area, and action on gender equality in the Nordic scientific research sector is based primarily on anti-discrimination legislation. The solutions adopted in this region and the guidelines of European institutions will be treated as a kind of reference point for action to eliminate inequalities based on gender in the scientific sector

    Rządowy program „Rodzina na swoim”. Społeczne, ekonomiczne i medialne reperkusje wdrażania

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    The article presents an analysis and evaluation of housing policy instruments, with particular focus on, the program “Family on its own” implemented in Poland in recent years. It is worth to mention that the government eventually led to the total extinction of the program and replaced it with other tools. The question is whether it happened on fi nancial basis, or the decision was made because of its mediocre results, otherwise costly program. Finally, an interesting element here seems to be the matter of spreading the information about the program, especially the fact that initially the media did not show particular attention to it. Undoubtedly valuable source of analysis of this subject, in addition to selected, professional books and reviewed papers, reports and analyzes. In addition some network resources, and newspaper articles will help to follow the ongoing debate and help to conduct an accurate analysis of this question

    Radical democracy as a principle of independent network journalism on the example of Indymedia project

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    Publikacja recenzowana / Peer-reviewed publicationProject Indymedia is an institutionalized example of global activism mediated by the new information technologies. The significant innovation here is the fulfilment of the radical democracy ideal, that has not been fully realized yet, despite of numerous attempts. It can be seen that the Indymedia implements radical democratic vision of the media and promotes participants with widely known slogan „be the media”. Indymedia initiative promotes the idea that everybody should have access to the possibility of free creation of information and its unlimited transfer to the wide audience. Notably, radical democratic practices undertaken by the Indymedia go beyond the content of its internet page and include a number of important institutional activities that involve new communication technologies in global network dimension. The so-called radical democratic practices also involve an active attempts to renegotiate the basic relations of power, leveling hierarchical systems (an example of this is the decision-making procedure supported by consensus), and the prevention of visible limitations of the access to content (example is promotion of an open access software). The paper presents framework of the project, its basic ideas, with particular emphasis on implementation of radical democracy elements. The main purpose is to answer the questions concerning extreme inclusiveness of the project and evaluation of its radical democratic character

    From the "read only" culture to the creativity culture : YouTube as a medium democratizing the space of contemporary audiovisual production

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    W artykule zaprezentowana została rola portalu YouTube w demokratyzacji przestrzeni audiowizualnej. Wolność i szeroka dostępność użytkowników do zasobów, powszechna możność zamieszczania dowolnych nagrań wideo powodują, że dystans między profesjonalnymi producentami a amatorami został tu radykalnie zminimalizowany. Warto odpowiedzieć na pytanie, czy ten trend jest stały, czy społeczność internetowa korzystająca aktywnie z portalu YouTube będzie nadal podążała tą liberalną drogą, czy też pojawi się tendencja zgoła odwrotna, która będzie miała na celu ograniczenie tej samowoli. Czy byłby to zamach na demokratyczną ideę portalu i jego kulturotwórczą rolę, czy też wynik naturalnego dążenia do podnoszenia jakości zasobów tej gigantycznej sieciowej telewizji. Celem artykułu jest udzielenie odpowiedzi na te i wiele innych pytań, które rodzą się wraz z rozwojem omawianego medium.The role of YouTube, a new medium, in democratization of the audiovisual area is presented in this paper. Freedom and the large availability for users, both in case of access to resources and posting any video content, causes a dramatic minimization of the gap between professional and amateur producers. It is worth to answer the question whether this trend is stable and whether the online community, actively using YouTube, will continue to follow this liberal path, or whether a new trend, quite opposite and aimed to reduce this lawlessness, will emerge. Is it, therefore, an attack on a democratic idea of the portal and its creative role, or a natural effort to improve the quality of the resources of this giant television network? This article aims to answer these and many other questions that arise from the development of this medium

    Jednostka, państwo, prawo: teorie politycznego zobowiązania

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    Top-down selection of information as an element of strategic information management in the event of a threat of internal destabilisation

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    In many authoritarian countries, the Internet is an oasis of freedom of speech and the free transfer of knowledge – thus, if not completely free, then at least a more free space for transferring content than traditional information providers. Nevertheless, the total freedom of this medium has passed irretrievably. Use of social media and other websites to post material that cannot be posted on traditional media, and even online newspapers tend to be affected by less stringent censorship laws. However, this does not change the fact that contemporary authoritarian regimes are going so far as to interfere with social media, either by blocking access to content or by promoting false information. The conducted analysis is to show the mechanisms of top-down information management in order to lead to widespread disinformation and distortion of reality. In this respect, it is worth bringing up the actions of the Russian authorities in the context of the conflict in Ukraine and the possible opposition of the Russian society to the ongoing military operations